Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Photowalk - Owl update

It was rainy all day long and so I left quite late for a rather quick photowalk. I wanted to take the opportunity to picture some Lily of the Valley before they are past their prime but it turned out nothing much changed since last week, when I saw them showing a lot of flower buds. They are still not in full bloom yet. I guess the recent cool air slowed things down for them.

I also wanted to try to see the young owls again, since they most likely came down their nesting tree.

I could not believe my luck. I actually managed to see one of the youngsters! Out there, kind of on his own, doing what owls are supposed to do. Looking great. That is incredible! Such an awesome bird! I kept my presence there to a minimum and left after a few pictures. I also tried to get a glimpse of one of the adult birds but simply did not manage to locate one. They must have been right there somewhere since the crows were again making a spectacle out of themselves.

I really like the early evening hours when the sun glances through the trees, back-lighting the leaves beautifully.

Shirley Bay sunset after a rainy day.

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