Saturday, May 4, 2013

Photowalk - Greenbelt Pathway

This walk actually happened already last Sunday but I did not get around posting the pictures until now. It was the first proper spring walk in +24C or so and it was a most delightful one. :)

I really enjoy this time of the year when one can find spots of color among the various shades of brown that still dominate the landscape. I get excited about so many little things when I am out there, whether it is a freshly blooming tree, a little flower on the ground, a pretty bird, or even some animal I have never seen before. For me it is like a treasure hunt.

Beautiful spring colors                    Young horsetail plant     .

Not sure, but I think that's a Field Sparrow

      Crow                                      Red-bellied Snake

Red-bellied Snake
They are small snakes and get only 30-35 cm long. Apparently what we saw,
was an adult already; and I thought it was a baby-snake... pff.

This snake was very very patient with me trying to focus my camera. After a couple
 of minutes of picturing, it eventually turned its head towards me like asking
"are you done then? I got things to do, you know?". Well it was time to move on
for us, too. So we 
watched it smoothly disappear into the dry leafs.
What an elegant creature!

Six-spotted Green Tiger Beetle
They can be found around dirt paths in grassy areas, seldom far from the woods;
they are often hunting along sidewalks/roads and on large lying logs.
They eat other small insects, spiders and other

After looking around a bit on the internet, it seems that those lumps are a fungal disease called "Phomopsis gall". It is not clear why it effects
 some trees but not others but besides slowing growth
 and a peculiar look it does not seem to be much of a problem.

Raccoon enjoying an afternoon nap in the sun. :)

* * *

After this very enjoyable walk we decided to make a quick visit to Shirley Bay to drop off our last sachet of mixed seeds for the birds until next winter. I am so glad that we did. 

There was also a nice couple with a large bag of peanuts which drew out the chipmunks and gave me a nice opportunity to snap some pictures here too.

Chipmunk enjoying a peanut

White-throated Sparrow

Got something for me? 

A black chipmunk! I have never seen one of those before! :)

This little guy must live in a mansion based on how many peanuts he/she stashed away. :)

He/She also has quite a few white hairs already, clearly not a junior anymore...

Blue Jay

That's what I call a successful treasure hunt!

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