Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Photowalk: Herons and Ducks at Mud Lake

I was spending some time watching herons and ducks at Mud Lake.

One Great Blue Heron was first patiently waiting in the shadow but it seemed that nothing interesting/tasty caught his eye. Another one took off a few minutes after my arrival, I guess he was looking for a better place to fish.  

A few meters away a juvenile Night Heron looked interested in something beneath the branch he was sitting on but ended up roosting, grooming and napping in the sunshine. After all, it was still early for him. :) 

After a while the Great Blue Heron started stalking around the edges of the lake for some tasty little fish or frog. Eventually he ventured out of the water and up on the little island, maybe to warm up a little before nightfall. 

All this time a number of ducks, including a few Wood Duck families, were busy chattering while munching on some greens. 

Juvenile Night Heron

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Male Wood Duck (such a fancy plumage!)

Night Heron and Great Blue Heron

Female Wood Duck

Great Blue Heron ascending the little island

Autumn is clearly on its way

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