Friday, May 10, 2013

Photowalk .... Owls, Turtles and Night Herons

This time I went to check on the Owls again, to see how much bigger the young ones have gotten. I also was hoping to see another adult owl when I'm in the woods. 

These trees smelled wonderfully. By looks I would guess that they are some sort of apple tree.

There she is. According to another photographer, that is Mrs. Owl. 

The youngsters grew quite a bit since I visited the previous time which was 6 days ago.
Amazing. By now they actually look like owls already, not like cotton balls with beaks. :)

 Midland Painted Turtle 

 Full attention of a Canada goose.

Night heron. I saw at least 6 of those guys this time. 
That is a new record for me!

Mrs. Owl, basking in the sunshine. 

Mr. Owl, keeping a cool face even though a crow tried really really hard 
to annoy him enough to move.

Midland Painted Turtle 

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