Monday, September 30, 2013

Andrew Haydon Park

Over the past few days I've been to Andrew Haydon Park a few times and enjoyed seeing quite an array of different wildlife. I'm always amazed at what one can find in this kind of public place.

I think this is a Horned Grebe.

Female Mallard Duck enjoying the sunshine. 

Juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk. 
He successfully caught a red squirrel right next to where I parked my car. He sat on it until he was sure it's not moving anymore and then took off into a nearby tree where first a crow, same size like him, tried to take away his catch and then...

... he got scared away by a grey squirrel that was coming up right on the same branch he was sitting on. Quite some tricky dinner time for a little hawk. :)

 Hawk about to take off again with his meal.

Canada Geese

Double-crested Cormorant 

Great Egret 

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