Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Photowalk: Pinhey's Point, Dunrobin

Today I went to Pinhey's Point in Dunrobin. There were a whole lot of big fluffy clouds and my guess was, that together with the Gatineau Hills, it would make for a nice setting for some picturing. There were also a whole lot of different birds around, busy feeding their youngsters. I saw quite a number of Cedar Waxwings, some Swallows and American Goldfinches and a Blue Jay.

Much to my delight I also finally managed to see my very first tiny Hummingbird. I am thinking I might have seen some before but not recognized them as birds rather than some big bumble bee or something. 


Barn Swallow

American Goldfinches

Apparently, there was something very interesting on the tip of this branch. The Goldfinch was twisting himself all the way around it and kept picking on it from all different angles.

Sparrow (?)

some  more Goldfinches

Paps got some food for the youngster


Northern Crescent (Phyciodes cocyta)

Cedar Waxwing - such a pretty bird


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