Sunday, April 7, 2013


A few days ago I took advantage of the sunny weather, grabbed my camera and went to "hunt" for some of the spring arrivals as well as some of the permanent residents of the region. I felt quite lucky with the variety of animals I encountered. I also wanted to play a bit with my ND filters so that they do not collect all too much dust in my storage bag.

My first stop was at Andrew Haydon Park to take a look at quite a nice group of Canada geese that were resting there.

I continued further down the Ottawa River to picture the Remic Rapids. I was too late to picture the guys riding the waves this time but instead played around with exposure times and ND-filters.

Most of the lookouts along the Ottawa River Parkway were still closed for the winter but the one at the Deschenes  Rapids was open to drive in. It was a great spot to picture Canada geese, ducks and sea gulls. First the seagulls were a bit shy when I pointed my camera at them but after a few minutes they started laughing away again. :)

The ducks and geese were quite busy wrestling each other for mates.

I also dropped by Shirley Bay to see what visitors are there now. As customary already, I also left some suet for them in the feeders, call it payment for model services. :)

There were two Red Squirrels,

a whole bunch of Redpolls,

two Mourning Doves,

a number of Red-winged Blackbirds,

two Chipmunks,

 a number of Common Grackles,

and one bird that I think is a Dark-eyed Junco.

What a great afternoon!

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